So many people tried to understand the mentality of the people whom eat foul (FOULers) few succeeded in this mission and lots failed even to get a glimpse… and this is because they neglect the god’s Factor.
Let’s take it from the start, the first aspect to understand the mentality of the FOULers is the religion, whether we are talking about Muslims, Christians or Even Bahaies, all of them do believe that there is a universal plan that have been planned by god and they are just playing their roles in this plan, and according to this madness they tend to do so many activities that simply can drive you crazy while they are smiling.
The first result of this belief is that there is a small sentence that FOULer use which is God Willing, this short phrase is not only a couple of words, it is a whole cultural, sometimes it means YES and some other times it means NO, you will never know… so who will know … I think you guessed it by now.
It is always god’s plan whether it is nations survival or in someone’s meeting appointment, it is always god’s plan at all levels, for example you ask someone “are we gonna meet tomorrow?” the typical answer you will get is “God Willing’ and if you are a punctual man you will get confused … “does he mean yes or he means no!!” and if you are a FOULer you will accept this answer and you probably will say : Ok, let’s see”
As another result of this belief you find FOULers are always in a hurry, and always late, again it is god’s plan we are talking about.
The worst case scenario is when god becomes your business partner, his word is always higher than your even that you sign those employees their pay checks, so you are here in a stuff meeting and you are asking your Sales manager … I want to raise the sales target from X to Y .. what do you think about that? … the answer you will take is God’s willing… what?!! god didn’t do the Strategic planning and I am asking you.. I am not praying over here… it just drives you crazy.
Even with the Government, if you can notice that the Government in FOUL land does not announce their plans until they are already executed, it is just that simple. Who can knows how god thinks.
In the land of FOUL they depend on God in every little thing and they misunderstand god’s Role, they do not understand that we are the ones who put the plans and we are the ones who success or fail and god have nothing to do with it …. It is just our imagination.
Eat Foul
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